Daily Archives: January 6, 2011

Back to School

I just registered for a course!

Haha, don’t worry, it’s nothing as intense as going back here to my alma mater:


…instead, I am heading the other way up Westmount Rd and going here!

literally just up the road from the condo casa!

I’m really excited to take this Decorating Basics class. For four consecutive Thursday eves in February, I will immerse myself in learning how to swirl, plump, blip, twirl and squizzle buttercream.

I do love playing around with icing…

the caterpillar cupcake-cake i made for little e's 3rd bday in oct.09

  (Recipe #5 of the Kiki Project…)

 (…and Recipe #6)

…but my *skills* are very elementary and the results are decidedly amateur-ish. I’m looking forward to indulging my artsy-fartsy side, and acquiring some competance with cake icing techniques!

Added bonus: my registration fee was a big score: 50% off (a January special offer price).

I checked out the cake decorating aisle…


 …and mentally spent $1000!

Betcha there’s an option for every theme occasion??!

cake pans!

Good thing I live in a condo and storage is an issue! Although we’re not really doing anything with the “zen room,” at present…

Technically, the course is entitled Wilton Decorating Basics – the brand of all of these cake pans, above. Luckily, I purchased a Wilton brand 9×13 inch pan a few months ago, and am very pleased with the quality of it.

After I paid, I received the course syllabus (sounds just like a uni course, does it not?!):

note the course "supply list" part way down...

I refrained from purchasing any of the course supplies today because I now have two coupons for 50% off any one item, good from January 8th to 14th. Haha, little does B realize that on Saturday, we will be heading back to Michael’s. (It’s my birthday weekend, he has to do what I say). I’ll send him through the check out line with the “Wilton Decorating Basics Student Kit…”

i need the green one

…while I purchase the “Wilton Ready to Use Decorator Icing.” Good game plan, eh!

Just like half the nation, I’m a fan of living vicariously through the Foodnetwork shows, but have never caught this one:


Maybe I should start doing some homework!