Daily Archives: January 17, 2011

Coffee Culture’d

I am really getting into this coffee thing. Can you believe I’ve gone 41 years as a non-coffee drinker, and now that I’ve tried it a few times…I think I am a fan.

Coffee aficionados, you may laugh at or deride my coffee of choice, but I’m really liking this Starbucks Via instant stuff!

3 x 3: colombian, italian roast (for the morning), italian roast decaf (for post-noon consumption)

I don’t want to invest in a coffee maker if this proves to be a passing fancy. Individual packets + nuked water = the way to go (for now).

Here’s how I started my morning today:

pick a pack...

...heat up a mug of water for 90 seconds...

...ready to add a little stevia as sweetener...

...stirring my brew...(that's all the stevia needed - the stuff is SWEET!)

we have ONE mug in the condo casa...it'll do for now!

Mmm, mmm, good!!! (to the last drop). [I think I’m mixing my advertising slogans, here!]

Loved this addition to my morning knitting and blog-reading wake up ritual! Now, tomorrow, I have a special breakfast outing to a popular morning meal hotspot. I’ll get to try a restaurant blend! Bet it’s going to be delicious!


How did I not know that the Golden Globe Awards were last eve? That’s what happens when you stop reading the newspaper! Plus, I was too busy watching another variety of crap tv. So when I caught up on the GG winners via Twitter (specifically @shinangovani), and the Globe and Mail this morning, I was super pleased to see that several movies from the 1970 Kiki Project Movie-Viewing Category received awards!

~ Natalie Portman for Black Swan (movie #39)

~ Annette Bening in The Kids Are All Right (movie #24)

~ The Social Network (movie #29)

All are deserving winners, in my book. We’ll see what happens at the Oscars!


I’ll leave you with some knitting humour, thanks to BFF Debbie…

A lady is knitting while driving down the highway.

A police officer drives up alongside her, rolls down his window, and
shouts, “Pull over!”

The woman yells back, “No.  Mittens!”

🙂 🙂 🙂