Monthly Archives: April 2011

Royal Accolades

Wasn’t it a beautiful wedding?


*Le sigh*…

I got up yesterday morning at my usual 5 a.m. However, it’s not EVERY morning, that I get to watch a Royal Wedding to start my day!

You know, earlier this week, I thought I’d not bother to watch. During the pre-wedding build-up, I really haven’t tuned in to the general hoopla, interviews, TV specials, speculation, and gossip.

But a funny thing happened once I turned on the TV…I got more and more caught up in the proceedings as the minutes ticked by.

See, “Watch a Royal Wedding” could not count as a New Experience. While I missed Charles and Diana’s wedding in 1981 because our family was on vacation in P.E.I. – although now that I think about it, why did that impact whether or not I watched?! – when Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson got married in 1986, Gina slept over and we DID get up at 5 a.m. to watch the TV coverage in our pj’s. That was a REALLY. BIG. DEAL! Fun memory!.

Now, if you and I had been curled up on the couch this morning with our spot of tea and vegan scones, here’s what I would have randomly commented upon…

◊ We’ve got the best seats in the house, us TV spectators! Just like at a major sporting event or concert: at home, you miss the electricity and excitement in the air, but you sure do get great close-ups – and no one’s head blocks your view!


◊ If I had been in attendance, I would have joined this girl, for sure:


Never pass up an occasion at which you can sport festive nails!

◊ Seeing William and Harry arrive at the church evoked a real sense of nostalgia…


I felt like a Proud Auntie because I remember when Wills looked like this…


I couldn’t help but think how proud Diana would have been.

◊ My new Favourite Girl’s Name is Pippa.


[Tangent: Eyebrows have been raised over the cream-coloured bridesmaid’s dress. To my mind, it’s the perfect choice: classy, formal, sophisticated…and if an actual colour had been worn, you’d have heard how *wrong* the shade was. Also: apparently, this muted shade is a British/royal tradition].

◊ I loved the fashion parade, and have nothing but good things to say about the choice of attire:

~ Kate’s lace was spectacular.

~ The Queen radiated in yellow.

~ Mothers-of-the-Bride, take note of Carole Middleton’s attire. That is an example to follow!

~ Beatrice and Eugenie…unique. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

◊ A few Cliff Clavin-ish facts, learned thanks to the CTV commentators (among whom was my close and personal friend Jeannie Beker, providing the fashion input!):

* the engagement was announced 22 weeks ago

* Sarah Ferguson was not invited to the wedding, and is considered “a disgrace” in Britain

* the first hymn sung (Guide me, O thou great redeemer) during the service was chosen in tribute to Princess Diana [happens to be one of my all-time favourites, too!]

*Le sigh.*

◊ He was dashing, she was gorgeous. Congratulations, William and Kate!

All in all, so glad I watched. Set me up with Warm Fuzzies for the entire day.

I had to leave for work just before the Balcony Appearance at Buckingham Palace, but thanks to the oodles of online and televised resources, I can catch that part of the celebrations…now, if I wish!

Did you watch? One observation or comment? Can you imagine getting married in front of millions of TV viewers, the throng of adoring spectators, like that?!

April Outing of the Month With Dad + A New Experience!

Wow! Would you look at that…we fit in all three Outings of the Month this month with two whole days left to spare!

Yesterday’s lunch break was a double dose of fun: I got to spend time with Dad, AND I finally got to try Pizza Pizza’s gluten-free pizza crust.

I had heard about this GF option at Pizza Pizza ages ago…but it was one of those things I never get around to checking out. As far as I know, they are the only pizza chain in our area to offer GF pizza. Given this month’s GF goal, April was now-or-never time!

Since Dad and I are moving chronologically through the meals of a day (breakfast, morning coffee break – completed) for our outings, there was no question about where I wanted to go for Lunch in April.

We had a choice of three locations for our Pizza Pizza date. The Beechwood spot was our destination of choice, based on my assumption that they would not be very busy:

...KFC is right next door; fast-food nation!

I was right – there was not a very big lunch crowd, yesterday!, shall we rephrase to say ANY lunch crowd!

On such a dismal day, a hot lunch was entirely welcome and appropriate!

cold, windy, dreary, rainy...not the most pleasant of days, weather-wise!

Dad and I were really impressed by the wide variety of offerings. It’s not just pizza, here!

how is it that "outing of the month" is MY idea, and DAD always treats?! thanks, dad! ❤

Dad decided upon a slice and a rootbeer:

...followed by an order of (unpictured) onion rings for dessert! (they were out of the apple pie dad really wanted!)

I got my Gluten-Free crust, with mushrooms, olives and tomatoes.


Your eyes deceive you not. Yes, that is a Diet Coke with my pizza. Dad and I agreed that pizza and pop go hand-in-hand. It was deliriously delicious, I must say. :0

Today’s lunch also counts as New Experience #15! Eat gluten-free pizza crust!

My impression?

chomp, chomp!

I approve! I really enjoyed the pizza crust, the toppings (quantity and quality) and would order gluten-free pizza again.


GF crust is almost a different animal entirely than *regular* pizza crust. See?…

my pizza (L); dad's slice (R)

If you like thin crust pizza or flatbread, you will like this GF crust. It tastes delicious (bready), it provided a firm bottom for the tomato sauce and toppings, and it had a pleasing texture.


If you like “traditional” pizza crust, ie doughy, thick, chewy crust, avoid ordering GF.

Also: at Pizza Pizza, you can ONLY get the GF option on a medium pizza (8 slices) AND there’s an extra charge of $3.25 per pizza. So my pizza cost $13+ whereas Dad got his slice for a couple of dollars.

Conclusion: Next time, I would just order A REGULAR SLICE OF PIZZA. But, I satisfied my curiosity, and genuinely enjoyed a delicious lunch.

I asked Dad for his impression of his slice. He opined that it was “very good for a fast-food pizza chain.” But not as good as Gino’s pizza, and definitely not in the same league as the pizza across from our condos.

In the end, it’s really not about the pizza.

say "cheese!" (haha!)

Dad and I enjoyed over 1.5 hours of conversation and bonding time. And that’s what really warms the heart on a cold winter’s spring day.

Thanks again, Dad!

What’s your favourite pizza chain? Or, do you prefer to make your own? BFF Debbie and Gina in the ‘Peg are both Homemade Pizza Queens!

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P.S. Yes, I did watch the Royal Wedding this morning! Impressions/recap coming up tomorrow!

Spring Fever

Two things need to happen in order to feel like spring has arrived:

~ Easter weekend

~ no more mitten-wearing

pretty soon i can pack away the mitts + hats in my storage basket!

Check and check! [Well, I might still wear light gloves early in the day, but for the most part, mitts aren’t a daily necessity anymore. Yippee!]

The last few days, I’ve really felt like spring fever has struck! How? Well, I feel…

1. An itch to go swimming. Say what?! This sentiment coming from the girl who intensely dislikes being cold and wet??…what has come over me?! But yes, the thought of churning and thrashing gliding up and down the lane of the pool at our local swimplex does sound delightful, and refreshing. I have this hankering to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out my arms and legs, and lose myself in the rhythmic motion of front crawl.


2. Oatmeal is tasting heavy. Part of my favourite – and daily – breakfast is a hot bowl of oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in.

best pb on the market + the GF oatmeal

My taste buds have been requesting cold cereal in the morning, lately. Puffins + almond milk to the rescue!

1/3 bowl of each type of puffins + a dousing of almond milk

Now, this hits the spot on an April morn!

3. I could care less about hockey. According to the enthusiastic comments of my Facebook friends, there’s a lot of intense Game 7 battles being waged in the NHL right now. I couldn’t tell you who’s even still playing, to be honest. Since my beloved Leafs are nowhere to be found (what else is new), hockey is completely off my radar. I’ll just keep reading the Facebook updates for all the news.

The Canucks celebrate (Photo: The Canadian Press)(source)

4. Bright clothing colours are calling out to me. In winter, black is a wardrobe staple. Now, it just seems hea-vy. Time for my oranges, yellows, greens!

...not worn all at once, haha!

5. A desire to stay up later in the evenings. This is not good when wake-up is 5 a.m. Usually by 7 pm, I am winding down my day. Thanks to the extended daylight hours, 8 pm hits and I feel the urge to go shopping, start an organizing project, embark on a blog entry composition. It’s light! Bedtime must be hours off!

6. A re-awakening of appreciation for Mother Nature. The vibrant green of the grass in the park, the fragrant and bright spring blooms…I feel a renewed sense of awe at the beauty found in natural habitats.

7. The beckoning call of Chick flick movies! Usually, I love an intense, psychological thriller, or a lively indie documentary. Thanks to the previews I viewed Monday Night, I’d jump at the chance to catch:

~ Something Borrowed


~ Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids movie poster

~ Crazy Stupid Love


Just ask if you need a movie-going buddy! I’m in (esp since it will still be light out when we leave the theatre!).

What signals the arrival of spring for you? A calendar date is of little significance, personally – I need to feel the vibe!

Magic 8 Ball Cookies

In her Monday eve blog post, Monica provided a Magic 8 Ball link.

Oh my gosh. Talk about too much fun. I immediately asked this psychic helper online Magic 8 Ball a question about work. It got the question right. That’s it! I’m a believer! 🙂

Yesterday, I was overcome with the urge to make cookies. Since this desire strikes intermittently at best, I had to roll with it. Recipe #8 of the Unofficial 1970 Kiki Project, coming right up!

In order to up the baking fun-factor (cuz we all know I need all the encouragement I can get, in the kitchen) I decided to consult the Magic 8 Ball and let it pick the type of chocolate chip cookie to be made.

Here’s the Q & A that went down:

Me: Should I make a chocolate chip cookie recipe found on the internet?


"no way!"

[Well, that was certainly a clear and definite answer!]

Me: Should I make a chocolate chip cookie recipe from my recipe collection, then?


"ask again later"

[Since “later” is pretty open to interpretation, I waited 15 seconds, and asked again!]

Me: Should I make a chocolate chip cookie recipe from a recipe book that I own? [I rephrased just to humour M8B, who so far seems to be feeling pretty cranky today].



[Now we’re getting somewhere!]

Me: Should I use a peanut butter cookie recipe as a base?



[Okey-dokey, M8B!].

One final question…

Me: Can I use the two eggs I have that are slightly past the best-before date?



[OK, I’m sorry but this whole thing completely cracks me up. Talk about making my day].

Onto the recipe!

I chose the Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies recipe found in my “Come Taste the Pride” cookbook.

yes, from the 1995 international plowing match!

As I’ve said on many an occasion, you cannot beat community fundraiser cookbooks for solid, reliable recipes.

I think you can see this recipe clearly enough that I don’t need to retype it!

let me know if you need clarification

I swapped in chocolate chips for peanut butter chips, and used butter (not margarine) – everything else stayed the same.

[Ha ha, guess what?! Half way through the mixing of ingredients, I realized this recipe does not contain peanut butter! So I just added in 1/2 c all-natural peanut butter and another 1/2 cup flour to balance off the added “butter.” Let’s see what happens…I daren’t defy the M8B’s choices!]

ah! that's what we like to see! poofy pillow cookies, fresh outta the oven!

nice! i'm pleased!

Then I couldn’t resist; I had to ask the M8B one last question:

Me: M8B, are these cookies going to taste good?



[Oh, man, I gotta cut this out. I’m becoming addicted!].

Have you ever consulted a Magic 8 Ball? I used to have a real one, years ago, that I kept on my desk…no idea what happened to it. I totally think it’s OK to *play* with asking the Magic 8 Ball questions for fun. I would be horrified to learn that someone used it in regards to a Major Life Decision!

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Are you feeling lucky? [Better just ask the Magic 8 Ball!]. My local blogger buddy Angela (with whom I visited thrive juice bar, earlier this month) is hosting a Giveaway Contest! Click here to see the details and to enter!

Movie Theatre + Movie Reviews

One day, earlier this month, I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up my mailbox to find a coupon to the new Empire Theatres in town.

$6.99 for a movie? yes, please!

Well, here we are in the final week of April, and this coupon was burning a hole in my pocket. So, last evening, I decided rather last-minute to take in a movie; as such, I just ventured out solo.
Unfortunately, the choices were a little slim. I definitely did not want to see Water For Elephants because I did not like the book (sorry!). I also was not at all enticed by Your Highness, Source Code, Scream 4 (thanks to Holly’s review!), Rio, Insidious, Hop, Hanna or Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 (whew!…I’m picky, eh?!) That left either Soul Surfer or Arthur. Since I thought Russell Brand was hilarious in Get Him To The Greek, and I would pay to hear Helen Mirren read her grocery list, that made Arthur my final answer.
I didn’t realize this release was a remake! Mom clued me in. Obviously, I never saw the original!

not many people out to the movies on a rainy, monday night!

The lobby is sleek and empty and modern! Everything was immaculate (due to the newness + no people!). The child staff member who sold me my ticket was super-friendly – I’d bet they’ve received customer service training. Or else she was bored out of her mind.

liking the fake brick (L)...and a "lounge?!" fancy!

proof of my attendance!

New-to-me technology:

add about 20+ minutes to that start time, after viewing ads and previews!

There ended up being 12 of us in attendance!

where to sit?!!

Made me think of my Florida movie outing!…
BFF Debbie – this one looks promising!

chic flick!

All in all, I’d have to say Arthur was pretty uneven. It was alternately silly, touching, predictable, amusing…but I can’t really recommend it or give it an enthusiastic thumbs up. Still, it was an entertaining night out, and the new theatre is pretty nice.
What’s your feeling on solo movie outings? I’m quite a fan! Doesn’t bother me at all, really, to go out alone to see a film. You can’t talk, anyway, during the *feature presentation,* plus, you can see exactly what you want when you venture out on your own!
Last movie you saw, solo or accompanied? The King’s Speech was my previous outing!
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In other news…

A loved her sweater!

On Sunday, I gave A the re-knit of the Celtic Pullover, and she was delighted with this second version:

I’m happy that we’re both happy!

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The suffering has ended.

Also on Sunday, I finally finished this book:

I thought the day would never come.

I had about 25 pages left to read, so Easter Sunday afternoon, I cosied up in a Coffee Culture chair, and finished ‘er off:

hallelujah. that’s the final page. and that would be an XL decaf!

Unfortunately, I’d have to say that this is the worst book I have ever read. Usually if a book is bad, I’ll stop reading. Seeing as this was a gift I had asked for, I felt obliged to persevere. To add insult to injury, the last chapter absolutely made my skin crawl! Entitled “Costa Rica,” it details a vacation Chelsea takes with her Dad. Chelsea refers to her father “B!tch Tits” (I kid you not) throughout the chapter, and is on the receiving end of said father’s sexual innuendos. EWWWW!!!!

Upon returning home to the Condo Casa, I could not get down to our lending library quick enough:

i really felt like i should leave a warning for some poor, unsuspecting soul: “pick the james patterson!”

I have now started The Help. I’ve read <10 pages and am enthralled! I predict a Bloggie Book Discussion at the end of this one!

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When SIL Ana was in Finland last summer, she picked up this yarn for me:

As is the Finnish way (apparently), it has neither label nor instructions. SIL Ana said that when she inquired, the store clerk casually shrugged her shoulders, and said to something to the effect of “figure it out.” OK, then!

I decided to incorporate this yarn into a new mindless project. With tons of leftover wool from A’s sweater, I remembered a classic pattern from my collection that would be perfect!

how *classic* is the pattern? cabbage patch dolls were all the rage when it was printed!

So far so good!

April Babysitting with an Easter Theme

Saturday, the sun came out.


…and figuratively:

Easter Weekend was the perfect opportunity for the April Outing-of-the-Month time with the little ones!

It was nice to give SIL Ana a short break since The Brother was busy elsewhere.

Let the shenanigans games begin!

Who could stay indoors when the temps finally rose, and nothing but shirtsleeves/sweaters were needed?! Well, and a beret…

Park time!

We started with a little bit of random exploring, then Little E and Baby C really got  into sandbox play. After more than a solid hour of digging, shovelling, raking, and castle-making, they had to be dragged home for dinner! [Sidenote: Baby C needs a new name! At 20+ months old, *Baby* is no longer completely appropriate…sob, sob!]

Back at home, it was time to investigate two new card games: Old Maid and Memory (Easter treats!)

Baby C was really feeling indy with her headwear choices this day!

Old Maid turned into Memory, as we made up our own versions!

…and Aunti must have we always enjoy our colouring time!!

Little E decided to copy the “teacher” card in the Old Maid game, and did an amazingly accurate rendition!

I can’t think of a more delightful Easter Saturday agenda!

photo courtesy of Little E!

What were your favourite childhood card games? Old Maid was a definite favourite…although I didn’t like to lose!


And a favourite playground activity? I loved climbing on “monkey bars,” as we called them…just not too high up in the air!

Easter Lists

Happy Easter, friends!


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Five Favourite Easter Childhood Memories:

(other than decorating Easter eggs and feasting on Paska)

1. Easter Sunday morning, The Brother and I would search for our Easter Bunny treats. The “Easter Bunny” would hide about 5-7 goodies around the living room and dining room areas in our home. I remember for sure receiving tiny chocolate eggs, a regular-sized chocolate bunny, then some non-sugary items like crayons, a dot-to-dot activity book, small Lego kit, etc. While we loved the thrill of the search, neither The Brother nor I were particularly gifted in hunting. More often than not, a game of “warmer/colder” would be needed so that we could locate all our treasures!

2. Mom reminded me that she used to make hot-cross buns, in addition to Paska. I definitely preferred Paska; the only *good* part of the buns was the icing cross on the top! (Never been a fan of raisins, currants, dried fruit).


3. In the olden-days, many women welcomed Easter with the purchase of an Easter bonnet.


In a 1970’s version of this tradition, Mom and I always had a new dress to wear to church on Easter Sunday.

me, spring 1973 (3 years old)

4. I’ve always loved the traditional Easter hymns (may I dare say I love them more than Christmas Carols?!) we sang in church on Easter Sunday morning. My fondest memory is of my Grandpa C confidently and triumphantly booming out the refrain “Up from the grave he arose!” in his deep bass voice when we sang my absolute favourite Easter hymn, “Lo, In the Grave He Lay.” Hearing that song still brings a lump to my throat, it’s so powerful an anthem.

5. Many people welcome Easter Sunday with a sunrise church service. That’s never been a tradition in either our family or in our church. And I’m not disappointed to have missed this Christian tradition in my lifetime – rare is the Easter Sunday in Southern Ontario where you would want to be outdoors at dawn!

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Five Cute Easter Desserts, Found Online:

1. Monica’s Easter Bunny Cake:

Easter Bunny Cake

2. Angela’s Spring Chick Cupcakes:


3. Martha Stewart’s Easter Egg Puzzle Cookies (because what is a themed-holiday without Martha’s influence?!):

4. Jenna’s Hot Cross Cookies:

5. Gina’s Paska and Paska Cheese Spread

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Five Feel-Good Easter(ish) Stories:

1. The Resurrection of Jesus (the traditional Bible story)


2. Bella and the Bunny

Bella and the Bunny

3. Guess How Much I Love You

Guess How Much I Love You: Little Library

4. The Runaway Bunny

Runaway Bunny

5. Where Are Baby’s Easter Eggs?

Where Are Baby's Easter Eggs?

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Two Random Unrelated-to-Easter Facts:

~ This post is #300 for the blog! I will host a giveaway when we get to #500! 🙂

~ Eight months today is Christmas Eve! I have purchased and stashed away ONE gift, and have started to mentally compose my Christmas List. 🙂

Gluten-Free or Fam-i-ly??!

Goal #1 – Finish A’s sweater.

Goal Accomplished! With nine days to spare…

On Thursday evening (while my eggs were a-boilin’) I sewed the final seam on Version #2…

Sweater #2 is quite different: much more narrow in  both the body and sleeves, and note the very simple neckline. Compare it with Sweater #1:

I am super happy with Sweater #2 – the final measurements match exactly to the detailed notes I took before beginning the reknit. A will receive her new sweater on Sunday. Hopefully, the modifications are just what she was hoping for!


Goal #2 for April is Follow a Gluten-Free diet. To date, I have stuck to my plan. I feel fantastic!

Last eve, though, a dilemma presented itself: as she has done for every year since 1975, my Mom made Paska for Easter, and an invite to bread-for-dinner was extended.

My options:

a) skip Paska because it’s not GF.

b) partake in Paska eating because it’s Easter, it’s an opportunity to “break bread” with family, and I could enjoy a special treat that we only consume once per year. There is nothing like my mom’s Paska, eaten on the day it is made.

[Sidenote: Paska is actually a family tradition from my Dad’s side of the family – the German Mennonite side. My Grandma and Great-Grandma also baked Paska every year for Easter. My mom took over the tradition since Dad is lost in the kitchen when we were very small, and we have celebrated Easter with this special bread, ever since. I have never made Paska and likely never will. The Brother and SIL Ana have embraced the family practice the last couple years, so the next generation will carry on the tradition!]

It was not a hard choice.

Mom made four loaves, total (half a recipe). Paska is truly the best the day it is made.

Another tradition! When I was little, I always swiped the drops of glaze off of the wax paper.

Dad is the official bread slicer. The Paska is super delicate, and Dad has the gentle touch:

The glaze icing is my favourite part of the bread. I’d like a slice of TOP, please!

Ever since I can remember, I’ve eaten my Paska this way:

Eat the main part, then savor the glaze!

2011 was a very good Paska year, declared Mom!

Look! Mom and Dad decorated eggs, too!

So yes, I deviated from my April goal. And yes, later on I could tell I had eaten gluten.

And yes, I completely made the right choice.

Are you celebrating Easter with family this weekend? We will be having our extended family get-together in mid-May this year, due to the busy travel schedules of some family members! Not a biggie to me…it’s the celebration together that counts, not the date!

New Experience #14: Decorate a Dozen Easter Eggs Myself!

Searching for Easter Bunny treats was my favourite part of Easter when I was little. (Yes, I was raised in a Christian home, but when you’re eight years old, the joy of Jesus’ resurrection does not compete with the excitment of going on a hunt for mini chocolate eggs and pink hair accessories – just being honest with you).

My SECOND favourite part of Easter was our family tradition of dying Easter eggs. This process would take place annually on Good Friday. (Then Saturday was always Paska baking day – more on that tomorrow).

For dying our Easter eggs, Dad, Mom, The Brother and I would each get 3, 4 or 6 eggs to creatively colour.

Sometimes during the hard-boiling, an egg would crack. If that was the case, Mom got stuck with having the defective egg as part of her collection. That’s just the way it was.

I always crackled with anticipation over how to decorate my eggs: no plain, one-colour jobs, for me! (That was Mom’s way of doing eggs – she said she had to balance out our craziness brightness with solids).

My area of specialty was using Rubber Cement glue. I’d dye my egg, drizzle the glue around it, plop it back in another colour and let it soak. When you took out the egg, and rubbed off the glue, you’d be left with a two-toned psychedelic masterpiece!

The Brother’s gift was drawing on the eggs. His best invention, to this day, is the year he crafted the Van Halen symbol onto the egg’s surface.


Unmatchable. We still laugh to this day over that one.

This year, I have misplaced my Easter decorations, which is very unlike me. 

I have no clue where my little eggie tree, fake nest and multitude of cute bunnies have disappeared to. So, to brighten and spring-ify the still winterlike Condo Casa, I decided to resurrect the Egg Dying Tradition of Yore. In order to make this a New Experience, I settled upon dying an even dozen eggs. Never have I had so many all to myself!

Last night was Preparation Time:

I bought a dozen of the cheapest eggs I could find, since these are going to sit out for a week as decoration, and will not be consumed. A $2 investment for this year’s Easter decor? Fine by me!

Boil, boil, toil and trouble! Luckily, zero eggs cracked!

Same brand of dye we used in the ’70s…but now you get added extras!…

This morning, I mixed up my dyes:

Despite the passage of time, I still remembered some of my favourite tricks!

For my 12th egg, I created the Swamp Water Mix – you just dump all the dyes together, and douse the egg! (Another tradition The Brother and I revelled in!).

To finish, I rubbed the eggs with oil. This was always a Dad task. It just shines up the eggs to make them Display Worthy:

Care to see the finished products?

Four plain eggs (in honour of Mom) to act as balancing agents:

Oops! One casualty…we’ll just hide that side…

Four pastel-hued eggs, each of which received turnings and dunkings, by hand:

Three stickered eggs. I love stickers. Usually I use Little E and Baby C as my excuses to play with stickers. I justify my sticker-usage today by saying that the stickers were included with the dyes, so it’s only proper that I use them!

One with a strip of Easter eggs, one with flowers ‘n’ butterflies…

And just for The Brother, a Funny/Sporty Egg (why basketballs, firetrucks and shooting rockets for Easter?!):

Here’s the Swamp Water Egg!

My favourite today? This one (the white stripe down the middle happened accidentally – love it!):

And the final collection:

Now my dining room table looks Easter-y!

Happy Earth Day, by the way!

Are you dying Easter eggs this year?

Are you celebrating Earth Day today?

Tomorrow we talk Easter Bread!

I Know This Much Is True

10. Snow on Palm Sunday is just wrong.

a morning photo...but the snow felll all. day. long. PALM sunday?? it was more like CHRISTMAS TREE sunday

9. It is completely unfair that Diet Coke is not a health food beverage.


8. Keanu Reeves‘ limited range of acting prowess peaked with Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure.


But, you protest, The Matrix? Speed? No.

7. If you are contemplating sending a “thinking of you,” “i love you,” “thank you for… note, card, email, or text to someone, take the 45 seconds or 5.5 minutes, and send it. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated more than you know.

6. The Brother is right: this coffee is “swill.”

its happened! ive become a coffee snob!!!

5. Sunday mornings + knitting lace go hand-in-hand.

4. Tinned organic mushrooms taste exactly the same as no-name.



that all-familiar yellow label...



3. God is the best of artists.

the beauty found in nature is simply unmatchable

2. Nothing warms the heart like a niece running towards you with outstretched arms and a big smile.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

1. A parent’s love truly is unconditional, and reaches to infinity.

Big or little, what have you discovered to be true this week?