Daily Archives: January 6, 2012

the best and worst of this year’s kikiprojects

now that i’ve had a few days to bask in the glow of completing this year’s 1970 kikiproject, let’s hand out ten awards, just for fun!

most favourite project: #3: get fake fingernails with polish and nail art (i would sport fake nails like these all the time if 1) i could type with them 2) they didn’t destroy your real nails 3) i could afford it)

most expensive project: #9: travel to aruba solo (and totally worth every penny!)

longest project: #26: knit with silk (from june 15th to august 31st – knitting only! does not count yarn winding!)

shortest project: #6: play roll up the rim (shorter than throwing a quarter in a slot machine!)

most disappointing project: #10: drink coconut water (so gross! i could only manage a few sips!)

most pleasantly surprising project: #37: watch a charlie brown christmas (way cuter than i anticipated!)

project sure to be a one-time-only event: a tri-tie! #8: graduate from cake class; #30: puzzle for 4.5 hours straight; #31: compose a 100 item xmas list (i promised the fam i wouldn’t put them through that last one again!)

project i would most like to repeat: #25: watch a movie in 3D (and choose a quality film next time!) [this excludes fake fingernails]

the brush-with-celebrity project: #7: get my photo taken with canada’s #1 ranked male marathoner (and reid did come through at the toronto waterfront marathon in october, qualifying to represent canada in the 2012 olympics!)

most spur-of-the moment project: #18: buy a groupon (when i saw the groupon offer, i knew it’d be a fun new experience to try purchasing it!)


several times, when writing a project recap, i have mentioned to you that x project was one that i had hoped to do for ages and ages. (examples include: #5: watch the entire oscar awards ceremony and #32: attend the oktoberfest parade, live).but, there were so many more! here is a list of kikiprojects that did not see the light of day:

~ zuuuuummmmba!!

~ take a bikram yoga class

~ go to costco with bff debbie

~ visit gina in winnipeg

~ kiss george clooney

~ take little e to a movie

~ bake a baklava [basically because i like how that phrase rolls off the tongue!]

~ go drinking after work

~ go to either the christkindl market in downtown kitchener, or the live nativity play at bethel church

~ watch a foreign movie with english subtitles, filmed in a language i have never watched before (ie not french or spanish)

~ take an ice bath [ok, i didn’t really try too hard to make this one happen!]

~ paint a bathroom [i wanted dad to give me a lesson and paint either the master bath or main floor bath in some shade of orange]

~ get a pedicure

the fun thing is that even though i have finished up the new experience project, nothing says i can’t still enjoy any one of those listed activities!

what’s a new experience that you would like to try in 2012 (ie anything on your life bucket list that you would like to check off?) i am going to keep my eyes and ears open for opportunities as they present themselves!