Daily Archives: July 30, 2011

It Was Good to R E L A X

Sorry, but it’s time for another Snooki WAAAAAAH:


Or, how about a Lebron Wah this time – it’s seriously impressive, eh?!


How can it be the end of summer July?? Boo hoo hoo. I July truly madly deeply [yet another movie I have never seen/need to see].

I do realize we still have one more day -tomorrow – of July. But, tomorrow I want to set up the month of August, so we’re going to do the July round-up today. Okey-dokey.

July was a very good month. You’ll remember that my goal, plan desire was to simply R E L A X.


Here’s a selection of highlights from the last twenty-nine days:

Now, only eleven more months ’til it’s July again! 🙂

Switching topics, I want to speak for a moment to my blogging time of day this past month. At the beginning of July, I truly thought that I could mix up the timing of the daily posts – I pictured myself being random! spontaneous! free!

It’d be soooo R E L A X-ing to simply slouch over my laptop, and fire off some free-flow chitchat, at whatever willy-nilly time of the day the spirit so moved me.

Well, haha on me as I deviated from my favourite early morning blogging time exactly…ONCE. Good thing “mix up my blogging time of day” was not a July goal (since there were no July goals, remember?!).

I did enjoy a little chuckle-to-myself/on-going joke this month: you know how I like to post around 7 a.m. Well, July is the seventh month of the year. So, for the majority of my July blog posts, the time of day the blog post went up matches the date! For example, on July 14th, the date stamp on the blog post is 7:14 a.m. Get it? [Please note that thanks to the WordPress scheduler option, it’s unnecessary to stand here, hovering, waiting for the clock to strike a certain time – I’m not quite THAT Type A!]

One word answer: how was your July? Since I’ve exhausted the word

R E L A X-ed today, I’ll go with H O T! 🙂