Tag Archives: hair

Work That Look

I made a pleasant discovery over the weekend!…

file photo from sunday

My bangs are long enough to clip to one side!

So, there will be no more complaining about how I don’t like my haircut.

This bangs-to-the-side look is an oldie but a goodie:

holding the newborn brother, 1973

kindergarten school photo, 1975

christmas (?), age 6-ish (?)

And, you know what? I still have all those hair barrettes!

a colourful collection

a few favourites

the storage box is an old christmas card box!

I’ve been wearing these clips sporadically over the past few months…

file photo from june

…and have received a few comments from people who recognize them as being vintage 70s hair accessories.

I’m so  much happier just having these bangs out of my face! I feel like myself, again! Calling it now: I predict that this sideswept/matchy-barettes look is going to continue for the rest of 2011!


I made another discovery in the garbage room, a few days ago.

The wanna-be garage-saler is back!

the latest *donation* to the condo library - very funny that the sign is RIGHT in front of the bag, eh!

My first thought was, “how can I send this to Zo?!”

My second thought: I wonder what happened to the cat, that necessitated giving away the kittie-litter??…!!


What hairstyle suits you the best? I have not had a short/cropped hairstyle since Grade 10! One length, shoulder-length hair is my default mode.

Three Things – I Mean, FIVE Things – Thursday


Ideally, today’s post would be entitled “Five Things Friday” because yes, I have five items on today’s agenda, and I’m a fan of alliteration. Unfortunately, it’s not Friday – but we’re almost there! Thursday is my Sunday because the start of my work week is Friday. Gets a little confusing!

Ok! Let’s get started!


I apologize for the intense glare coming off the glass, there. I was practically standing on my head trying to get an angle where the reflection wouldn’t be so strong, but no luck, esp with my (not fancy) point ‘n’ shoot camera.

This gown is in the window of a local bridal shop, of all places.

Is it not to die for? I just love the pleating, the way it flows down to the ground, and that sequined mid-section is out-of-this-world. I’m tempted to go in and ask how much it is, just for interest sake. I have nowhere to wear it (unless, Cousin Kate, you are getting married next year at Buckingham Palace). Nor to I have the bosom to carry off that design. But I intend to walk by daily, as long as it’s in the display window, just so I can drool over “my dress.”

2. Oh, So Smooth

I am a big fan of pithy dialogue, biting humour, and subtle yet stinging use of the English language. This ad in the August issue of Runner’s World is pure advertising brilliance:

advertising for the saucony hattori minimalist shoe

Just so you don’t have to squint, the ad copy reads:

A revolutionary new approach to minimalist training, the Hattori provides a sock-like fit with ample protection at a mere 4.4 ounces. For those who like running barefoot more than once.

It’s that last line, For those who like running barefoot more than once that is the real kicker. See, the *problem* with the minimalist shoe rage for running, particularly the use of Vibrams, (I discuss my pair here)  is that most people do way too much way too soon, and wind up hobbling or even injured the day after they go running in these lightweight shoes.Who knows if the Hattori is, in reality, that much different from the Nike Frees, the New Balance Minimus, or the Vibrams…all minimalist shoes require a sensible approach for running use. but, to my mind, this is an example brilliant ad writing and deserves an award.

3. Bonehead Coffee Move

You know that this is my favourite coffee:

starbucks VIA instant coffee in individual packets

If I buy the pack of 12 sachets at Starbucks, I pay $11.95. If I can find the packs of 8 at Valumart, on sale, it works out to $0.50 per packet.

Recently, I saw this on display at the grocery store:

decaf! individual packs! perfect!

At $1.99 for SIX packets, it’s a definite bargoon. But why, oh why, did I think that packaging this Taster’s Choice coffee this way would make it taste any better than when it’s in the cannister like this:

to quote myself, i previously referred to this coffee as "swill" on this very blog

Guess what? The individual pacs of coffee mix up into TOTAL CRAP! Duh! I let the cheap price sway my decision. Now I have five more mini-packs to use up before I can invest in some decent brew. File this one under “live and learn.”

4. I’m not happy with my haircut

It looked good the first day:

file photo, july 8th

The problem is that I got more bangs cut in AND I got my hair cut so much shorter all the way around. I should have done one or the other. The biggest peeve is the bangs. I wanted a front fringe, and instead I have heavy-duty bang-age. I’ve decided to grow out the bangs starting now. In the meantime, I’m using my headbands and fun barettes to create a false fringe:

i love this pin! it's an iron. mom got it for me cuz i don't even own an iron. that made us laugh!

If we’re lucky, by this time next year, I’ll have one length of hair all over my head!

5. Minding My Grocery Ps and Qs

The grocery bill for June was outta contral.

In July, so far, I’ve put the hammer down tried to be prudent (but I haven’t been stupid and not bought Puffins, or something like that).

I did a tally for grocery costs up to and including Saturday July 16th (I generously included the date that is just over the half-way mark for the month).


As of the 16th/the half-way mark, I had spent a mere 21% of what I spent in all of June. Whew. Now, I am digging into all my stockpiles, but unless some crazy sales pop up that will *force* me to re-stockpile my stashes, things are looking up!

What’s your favourite day of your WORK week? I genuinely like every day that I work, but I’ll have to say that Saturdays or Sundays are the very best.

Scraggelly Spinach Be Gone!

On Thursday afternoon, before my evening shift, I received a rather cryptic text message from Paul, my manager at the store. He teasingly typed: “You’re going to be very excited when you see what we got in today!

OOOOO!!! Now, I really couldn’t wait to get into work! I fairly hopped across the parking lot, over to the store.

Paul knows me too well. Yes, I squealed *just a little bit* when I saw these:

head bands!!!

I ♥ hair accessories (just not hats!): clips, bands, barrettes, scrunchies, elastics – I’ve gone through phases of extensive usage of all of these, ever since childhood:

my (favourite) standard piggie-tales, ages 3-5...

Anyway, we received SIX styles of the Sweaty Bands (wonder if they need a Waterloo ambassador?!):






and #6!

I’m completely infatuated!! If I could, I’d buy one of each design. Alas, ce n’est pas possible, so I’m going to choose one. Here’s what’s fun: remember the $10.11 I have left on my Adidas gift card? Well, if I add just a little more $, I’m going home with a cute head band today! Ok, guessing game time: which pattern do you think I’ll choose (there’s one that is screaming out to me, even more than the others). And: which one would you choose for yourself?! I’ll show you the winner, tomorrow!

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Sticking with the hair theme, here’s me yesterday morning:

at work...

Here’s me yesterday evening!

...at home!

I realllly hate getting my haircut. Partly, it has to do with my Samson-esque view of growing out your hair. Partly, it’s due to the fact of not really caring about my hair. When I got my bangs, back in April, we talked hairstyles, so we won’t go in-depth into that again today. But, I’m glad I got the dry ends chopped off (that’s the “scraggelly spinach” reference in today’s title, the term Mom and I for feeling unkempt), and the shorter length will be cooler for the summer months. Calling it now: this is very likely the final hair salon visit for 2011! [I’m thinking I may go back to longer hair, no bangs, again, too]. This is going to be the Summer of the Headband, I do believe!

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Guess what? The 1970 Kiki Project is six months old today! [Good Golly, that means I’m now on the downward slope to another birthday!].

It’s pretty cool that 21/41 New Experiences have been completed – I wouldn’t have anticipated getting that close to the 50% mark at the turn-around point of The Project.

Originally, my intention was to do a deeper analysis of the Kiki Project thus far, and also to review my 11 for ’11 goals. But you know what? I don’t feel like it! To do that, I would have had to spend considerable time last eve prepping today’s blog post. And last eve, I just wanted to


So I did! I enjoyed some rooftop time, a x-word puzzle, the sunshine, cool breeze and deep breaths. In regards to the 2011 goals, let’s say things are looking promising, for the most part! Happily, there’s still six months to go!

Have a Super Saturday!

Quick: what’s one goal you made back on January 1st? Have you kept it?! I’m still getting up at 5 a.m.!!

Bogged Down By Books

Although I love reading, I only have time make time for it right before bed. My usual routine is to curl up with my book and read until I feel sleepy. On a good night, I’ll get in 10-15 pages; usually I manage 3-5 pages before my eyelids start drooping, and that’s the end of that. So yes, completing a novel is a long and slow process.

I love when I am in the midst of a really gripping book, though, and totally look forward to going to bed just so I can read. When I was reading Wally Lamb’s The Hour I First Believed, back in the winter, I’d get totally excited about bedtime because I couldn’t wait to continue the story!

Right now, I am in a reading slump. Here’s the situation:

1) Looking to incorporate some meditation and personal reflection time to my night routine, I started reading the Book of Proverbs, following the suggestion from Dear Dad. I cover one chapter a night before I get to my novel. Reading an entire book of the Bible, chapter by chapter, would be a New Experience! That’s not my only motivation, though. 🙂 I’m now on Chapter 12. To be honest, I’m finding it slow-going. I’m going to stick with it, though, and hopefully Solomon’s writing will start to resonate with me very shortly.

i think part of the problem is the "revised standard version" i am reading (i've had this Bible since my early teens) - the language is rather formal

2) I started reading “Are You There Vodka? It’s Me, Chelsea” in Aruba. That was over a month ago. I am on page 129, as of last night. Sadly, this memoir by Chelsea Handler is not as funny as I had anticipated. She’s crude and rude, and the stories she shares are kind of sad, more than funny. I keep hoping that the next chapter/anecdote will be funnier…so far that’s not the case.

going to keep on chugging til i finish with poor chelsea...

3) I started this book BEFORE I went to Aruba!…

i LOVED "the corrections," also by janathan franzen, from a few years ago

I made it to page 197 before I left on the trip (out of 562 pages) and have not picked it up since. I’ve lost all momentum for this one. You know, I think I am going to have to close the book, and start again at page one. I had such high hopes for this novel!!! [I know I mentioned excited anticipation for it at least once in a post, way back in January or February…won’t bother to search for that right now…] I really, really want to love it! So if I restart, maybe I can get into a flow. What I should do is get to bed 15-30 minutes earlier each night so that I have more reading time…good in theory, but I’m likely to just fall asleep earlier!

Once I get finished with Chelsea and Freedom, I’m love to tackle:

Irma Voth by Miriam Toews (here‘s the Globe and Mail review; I loved A Complicated Kindness, was luke-warm about The Flying Troutmans)

Irma Voth, by Miriam Toews, Knopf Canada, 255 pages, $29.95

Most likely, I will put this novel on my Christmas list – think I can finish my current reads by December?!

What are you reading right now? Enjoyable or a slog? Usually, I follow the 50 page rule: if a book does not grab me within the first 50 pages, I cast it aside. Since both Chelsea and Freedom were gifts, I really want to finish them!



And After!

Yup, yesterday it was time for my annual-ish hair cut! To be frank, I take no little interest in hairstyle. But the spring weather inspired me to get the mop cleaned up. AND, I got the vibe to try some little bangs again! Small change, but still a bit of an update. So far, I really like them!

How often do you get your hair cut/coloured/styled? Is hair care important to you?


Remember last Tuesday when I went out for a bloggie lunch date with Odette and Angela?

me, angela and odette at thrive juice bar

Well, Angela is celebrating her one year Bloggiversary with a Giveaway Contest! Click here if you’d like to enter the contest! She’s offering a cool assortment of treats to the lucky winner!