Monthly Archives: July 2011

Florida, Florida, Wherefore Art Thou, Florida?

A year ago today by the date (July 11th was actually Sunday, last year) I left for my two week vacation in Florida.

saw lots 'n' lots of my beloved palm trees!

*Le Sigh* as I think back to that trip.

file photo, july 22nd, marco island

Oh, to be back again, this year.

I had just a blast, the entire fourteen days I was down there.

How could I not? Sun, surf, sand, shopping, exploring, relaxing…it was my idea of the perfect vacation.

This blog post, “…And We’re Off,” is the first in the Florida series, in case you’d like a look back at the fun ‘n’ games from Day #1. I blogged every day on that trip, from Tampa thru Sarasota, down to Naples and Marco Island, then back up again to Tampa. My Florida trip was chalk full of New Experiences: first-ever car rental; hotel check-in; Whole Foods hot-bar lunch; Target shopping spree…I bet I had 41 New Experiences in those two weeks, alone!

Good. Times.

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Yesterday afternoon, I paid a visit to my nearest Chapters bookstore:

a landmark at king and weber streets!

It had been a while since I’d been up there. I try not to go too often, because I so easily am sucked right in by their displays, marketing techniques, and enticing product:

i'm a pushover for journals, notebooks, bright paper goods...

I ♥ Chapters! I do support my local independent bookstore (Words Worth Books) with most of my book purchases, but nothing beats hanging out in Chapters for a relaxing, bookworm-y experience. I decided that Chapters beats the library in numerous ways:

  • longer hours (the library is closed Sundays in the summer, too)
  • Starbucks right in-store!

...while the library features a water fountain!

  • brand new, latest-issue magazines vs dog-eared, pages-ripped out copies [can’t complain, I am guilty of doing this with library mags – oops!]:

name a magazine, it's here...i didn't even take time to flip through ANY, yesterday!

  • bigger selection of up-to-date running publications:

anyone here read "running on empty?" i want to...

  • You can be louder in Chapters than in the library – and keep your Blackberry turned on!

Chapters was super-busy Sunday aft. Now, I actually do have a couple of gift cards to spend, but I wasn’t in a buying mood. I was in a mosey-ing about mood.

maybe IF I HAD A BEACH TO SIT ON, i would have purchased a couple of trashy romances at 80% off!

Don’t need a yoga mat!

love these bright colours, though

If you haven’t yet read this book…

...bump it to the top of your summer reading list! trust me!

It had been a while since I’d been up to the Children’s Dept…wow, when did Chapters become a veritable toy store? The non-book-related inventory is 1000% larger than last time I was up here!

i mentally spent $600 on little e and baby c....

Now I want to go back soon some evening and read magazines. Or some afternoon…and next time I’ll sit down with a coffee!

What’s your favourite store to chill out at AND/OR what store tempts you to spend too much money? Interestingly, I don’t spend that much time just window-shopping at the mall. Chapters or Michaels are places where I like to wander around and can lose track of time. Although I will HAVE to get up to Conestoga Mall in the next couple weeks to spend my Groupon at Old Navy!

Surprise, Wes!

Last evening, my friend Sarah hosted a surprise 30th birthday party for her husband, Wes.

As you know, Sarah and I became friends when we worked together at the store. But, I bet you didn’t know that I met Wes at least twelve years ago! I trained, for a brief time, with a local track club. And Wes was one of the star high-school athletes, at that time! [Sarah and Wes both attended college in the States on full athletic scholarships for running]. “Six degrees of separation” rules, yet again!

We could not have ordered more perfect party weather!

hot, sunny, light air - a perfect july saturday!

Before I tell you about the party, I have another story that is just too funny:

There’s a Nike Outlet store between Waterloo and Cambridge, where the party was held. So, I decided to leave a few minutes early and stop in to see if I could get my favourite Nike socks. (Yes, we sell tons of socks at the store, but there’s one specific style that I adore, and can no longer get). I was looking around and SURPRISE! Suddenly, there’s Sarah standing right before me!! Holy coincidence or what! What are the chances? Wes was in another part of the store, so we quick snapped a photo to capture the moment:

seriously - what are the chances!?!

Sarah was trying to keep Wes occupied with some shopping before party time. So, the first surprise of the day was on us! We played it really cool in front of Wes, and he never suspected a thing. Whew! (Oh, and I struck out on finding my socks!)

We had been instructed to park around the corner from Wes’ parents’ house so as not to raise his suspicions:

no parked cars, bare street, nothing funny going on!

Sarah had organized the decorations on Friday, and did a fabulous job!

the theme was green + blue...

"30th birthday" balloons + happy birthday banners abounded!

We were advised that Wes and Sarah would be arriving momentarily…

sarah's dad and wes' sister were on the lookout

…so we all scurried over to huddle behind the driveway gate:

we're ready!

the arrival took longer than expected!


wes thought he was arriving to a family bbq with his parents...

..and his surprise was genuine!

good job, sarah! (sarah started planning this surprise in march!)

BBQ Time!

wes' dad is a professional chef, and cooked up a fine array of kebabs!

salads + side dishes aplenty!

and fun plates!

Cake Time!

wes is still a big telephone talker! can you believe sobey's (grocery store) recreated an edible photo?

yes! 30 candles!

I enjoyed myself immensely. Thanks so much for including me, Sarah! It was such fun to meet both your families, as well as your friends – everyone was very friendly and very welcoming. You managed to surprise Wes but good!


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So which hairband did I end up choosing, yesterday?…

This one!

the colours (orange lining!) and braided design are smashingly divine!

Thanks for all your guesses – Gina and Mom guessed correctly!

Of course, I wore the band to the party!

i have a feeling this is going to be THE 2011 summer 'do!

And look at the cool inspirational saying that was on the tag (which I removed before wearing, of course, haha!):

each design has a different expression - this one is very fitting!

Mom: need a stocking stuffer, hint hint??? [Mom collects gifties for our stockings year ’round]. 😉

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Has anyone ever surprised you with a party? Gina TOTALLY shocked me with a wedding shower she planned and hosted…and Mom got me in high school with a birthday party. I fell for every misleading detail on both occasions, hook, line and sinker!

Scraggelly Spinach Be Gone!

On Thursday afternoon, before my evening shift, I received a rather cryptic text message from Paul, my manager at the store. He teasingly typed: “You’re going to be very excited when you see what we got in today!

OOOOO!!! Now, I really couldn’t wait to get into work! I fairly hopped across the parking lot, over to the store.

Paul knows me too well. Yes, I squealed *just a little bit* when I saw these:

head bands!!!

I ♥ hair accessories (just not hats!): clips, bands, barrettes, scrunchies, elastics – I’ve gone through phases of extensive usage of all of these, ever since childhood:

my (favourite) standard piggie-tales, ages 3-5...

Anyway, we received SIX styles of the Sweaty Bands (wonder if they need a Waterloo ambassador?!):






and #6!

I’m completely infatuated!! If I could, I’d buy one of each design. Alas, ce n’est pas possible, so I’m going to choose one. Here’s what’s fun: remember the $10.11 I have left on my Adidas gift card? Well, if I add just a little more $, I’m going home with a cute head band today! Ok, guessing game time: which pattern do you think I’ll choose (there’s one that is screaming out to me, even more than the others). And: which one would you choose for yourself?! I’ll show you the winner, tomorrow!

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Sticking with the hair theme, here’s me yesterday morning:

at work...

Here’s me yesterday evening! home!

I realllly hate getting my haircut. Partly, it has to do with my Samson-esque view of growing out your hair. Partly, it’s due to the fact of not really caring about my hair. When I got my bangs, back in April, we talked hairstyles, so we won’t go in-depth into that again today. But, I’m glad I got the dry ends chopped off (that’s the “scraggelly spinach” reference in today’s title, the term Mom and I for feeling unkempt), and the shorter length will be cooler for the summer months. Calling it now: this is very likely the final hair salon visit for 2011! [I’m thinking I may go back to longer hair, no bangs, again, too]. This is going to be the Summer of the Headband, I do believe!

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Guess what? The 1970 Kiki Project is six months old today! [Good Golly, that means I’m now on the downward slope to another birthday!].

It’s pretty cool that 21/41 New Experiences have been completed – I wouldn’t have anticipated getting that close to the 50% mark at the turn-around point of The Project.

Originally, my intention was to do a deeper analysis of the Kiki Project thus far, and also to review my 11 for ’11 goals. But you know what? I don’t feel like it! To do that, I would have had to spend considerable time last eve prepping today’s blog post. And last eve, I just wanted to


So I did! I enjoyed some rooftop time, a x-word puzzle, the sunshine, cool breeze and deep breaths. In regards to the 2011 goals, let’s say things are looking promising, for the most part! Happily, there’s still six months to go!

Have a Super Saturday!

Quick: what’s one goal you made back on January 1st? Have you kept it?! I’m still getting up at 5 a.m.!!

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Camp YOU Go!

A couple weekends ago, The Brother and Uncle B took Little E on her first overnight, sleep-in-a-tent, pee-in-an-outhouse camping trip:

home away from home!

Little E rocked the experience. They hiked…

walking in a (june) wonderland

Set fires:

looks like a very scenic spot!

And made s’mores!

everyone's favourite camping dessert!

Aunti does not camp.

I did give it the old college try about seven or eight summers ago, now. We went up to Haliburton Forest for what was supposed to be a four night stay. I lasted two nights then begged to come home before we called it a success! and returned home. It’s just not my cup of tea to sleep on the ground, listening to bugs and bears and creatures of the night. I do enjoy a day hike where you can catch some sun, feel a light breeze on your face, admire flowers and ripples on lake water…then come home like civilized people do, to tv, a shower, and air conditioning. Now, that’s a nice day!

I have super-fond memories of our family vacations, when we were little. Quite often, we went and stayed at my grandparents’ trailer (later cottage) in Goderich.

Some years, we rented a cottage, most often on the shores of Lake Huron. My favourite cottage, ever, was in Point Clark, the summer I was five:

i still remember it was an A-frame cottage...

...and i adored these open stairs; i used to do "gymnastics" on them, hanging by my arms or legs, off the back of them!

Other cottage stays, over the years,  included rentals in Port Elgin, Barry’s Bay, Tobermory – good times, each of them!

The summer I was twelve, we went out East on a road trip for a couple of weeks:

as you can see, we were in prince edward island, here; this trip was the first time i ever took my own snapshots and made my own photo album

Then the summer I was fourteen, we flew out West:

in british columbia, somewhere (?) - i shoulda made detailed notes!

[Each of these trips deserves more in-depth coverage; I see “Way Back Playback” blog posts dedicated to those trips, at a future date!].

The summers when we didn’t have “anything major” going on, we’d do day trips: to Toronto (Wonderland, the Zoo, a Blue Jays game), Niagara (Marineland), Goderich (the beach), Grand Bend (the beach)…all very fun (and you can come home at the end of the day!).

day trip to dundern castle, hamilton, the summer i was twelve

Anyway, I explain all this just to show that camping was not a part of our summer vacations. And I honestly don’t feel like we were deprived…it just wasn’t my parents’ *thing* to camp. Oh, and I never did overnight summer camp, either (or even day camps). As a reserved and rather shy little girl, the thought of staying for a week or two in a cabin with tons of other kids did not appeal to me, at all!

So, how’s this for a wild ‘n” crazy thought: a multi-generation, overnight camping trip (nudge, nudge, family members)…if Little E can have an enjoyable New Experience, I bet there’s hope for Aunti!

What types of family vacations do you remember, from childhood? I have the most fond memories of Goderich.

the summer i was six, up at the lighthouse, in goderich

I learned to blow a bubble in Goderich! I totally remember I was chewing grape Bubble Yum gum and we were sitting out on the pier, in the Goderich harbour.

How about you? Do you enjoy camping? B is a hardcore pro. Self-supported hiking trips are his thing. Right now, he is eight days into a six week hike of the almost-500 mile Colorado Trail. Thus far, he’s already experienced water shortages, hot temps, and snow eight feet deep. Yikes!

Un Cafe avec Julie

This morning, I met my friend Julie for coffee!

at william's coffee!

[How’s THIS for up-to-the-minute blog posting? And so spontaneous of me, too!]

I wore my skirt!

i could use a few more summery tops to mix n match with!

Kate and William weren’t the only special people who arrived in Canada on Canada Day – Julie and her two sons flew in on July 1st, too! (Hubbie, Craig, will follow this weekend). I almost wrote that Julie “flew home,” but considering Julie and her family have lived in France for 8.5 years, that country really is their home, now.

Je pensais si je devrais écrire toute cette pièce en français, aujourd’hui, parce que j’ai rencontré Julie à l’université de Waterloo pendant notre première année de l’école, là. (Ok, I’ll stop there. My french is rusty and I don’t want to embarrass myself. Plus, inserting all those accents is driving me nuts).

I ♥ having Julie as a friend because out of all my friends from over the years, I’d say Julie and I have the most in common and are the most alike:

  • both our moms are retired kindergarten teachers with the Waterloo public school board
  • both of our dads worked for insurance companies in Waterloo
  • Julie and I are both the eldest in our families (except I have The Brother, and Julie has two younger siblings; AND The Brother and I both have names that start with “C;” Julie and her sisters all have names that begin with “J”)
  • we’re both Type A personalities, are very organized, outgoing and personable
  • Julie’s birthday is January 3rd, and mine is January 9th – > born in the same year, too!
  • we both love to run (Julie has access to the coolest race events over in France. For example, she recently completed the Tour de Canton held in Geneva)
  • we both took piano lessons as youngsters
  • after graduation, we both landed French teaching positions at private schools
  • our wedding days were only three weeks apart, back in 1995!

As I was saying, above (in case that was all greek to you), Julie and I met at the University of Waterloo during our first year of studies in the French Teaching Specialization. We were friends for the entire five years of our program. It is no exaggeration to say that Julie’s friendship and support helped me get through our four months of teacher’s college at Brock University in our fifth year (a “life chapter” to talk about another day). We did our practice teaching in the same high school during that time. Fond memory: our routine was to head to the St Catharines YMCA for a workout after teaching concluded for the day, then we’d head home to our respective on-campus townhouses.

We figured out it’s been about four years since we last visited in person. Man, you would never guess it! Our conversation gushed forth at hyper-speed for our coffee visit!

you guessed it - self-portrait!

Like Gina, I so appreciate that Julie prioritized getting together today. Julie, it was sooo awesome to visit in person! Enjoy the rest of your Canadian vacation!

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Yesterday was a day. Pretty much the antithesis of July’s goal to R E L A X. I realized early on, that a visit to Toronto was just not going to fit in. That meant that I was home last eve…so guess what I watched??! … Yes! The Top Chef Canada finale!! *spoiler alert!* I was on pins and needles as the three final contestants (you’ll remember that would be Connie, Dale and Rob) stood before the judges. In third place…Connie! [I was 99% sure they wouldn’t pick the female to win]. That left my two guys!…

the tension was high...

In the end, Dale emerged victorious, with Rob as a solid second place finisher. Man, I wish I had bet money on this contest!

Top Chef Just Desserts begins Monday, July 11 – it’s on my calendar!

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Would you ever consider moving to another country to live? I wonder if Julie and Craig ever anticipated that 8.5 years later, they would still be Canadian ex-pats!

I would totally move to Moab, Utah or anywhere in Florida in a heartbeat, if I could work there. As much as I love Aruba, I honestly don’t think I could live there…but it’s a great place to visit!

Ready for William and Kate

Canada has gone ga-ga over Will and Kate!

The fabulously popular royal couple arrived in Canada on July 1st (Canada Day!):


They’ll spend nine days touring around our fair country. The biggest topic of conversation and media coverage is Kate’s wardrobe and choice of designers. She’s looked smashing so far! By all accounts, William and Kate are enjoying their time here very much.

Too bad they aren’t coming to Waterloo! [Sidenote: I did stalk Prince Edward a couple years ago when he stopped by the Perimeter Institute which just happens to be conveniently located across the street from me! That was a fun New Experience!]

Look what is FINALLY FINISHED!!!

i'd call this pattern an artistic spider web, but that sounds a little creepy!

i started knitting this blanket in july, 2010. wow.

Some food bloggers (Kath! Angela!) take spectacularly artistic outdoor photos to showcase their delectable smoothies and voluminous oatmeal bowls. I, in turn, am following in the footsteps of my Knitting Idol, the Yarn Harlot, and on Monday, went searching for a scenic outdoor venue where I could take some knitting pics. [Want to know how crazy popular the Yarn Harlot – aka Stephanie – is? Her blog posts routinely receive 200-300+ comments! Talk about a loyal following!].

with brick as backdrop...

draped over wrought iron railing...

i remembered averie's tip that everything looks better when photographed on wood...

Then I got bored switched to photographing my new Nike Lunareclipse + shoes!…

artsy shoe photo #1...

artsy shoe photo #2...

artsy shoe photo #3...

artsy shoe photo #4!

Thank you, Nike!

Refreshed, I went back to the blanket…

with floral background...

the wind enjoyed fluttering the blanket in this pose!...


Not quite as impressive as the knitted bridge project, but then I’m working solo!

Anyway, how does the finished lacy blanket tie in with William and Kate’s Canadian visit? Well, over the course of the past year, I’ve always joked that this blanket is so intricate and has been so time-consuming, that it will be worthy of royalty once completed. So any time William and Kate announce an upcoming baby arrival, I’m shipping them this blanket! [Could be sooner rather than later, given Kate’s much-publicized baby comment on Monday].

Just joking.

There’s another Kate to whom I would rather gift this blanket some day!…

Cousin Kate and Pete are engaged!!

file photo, easter 2010 (best, most recent, posed photo i have, on record!)

Congrats to both of you! Enjoy the wedding planning!
Haha – so no pressure, Kate and Pete, but should you beat the Royal Couple to producing an heir, the blanket’s all yours! Unless Sarah and Wes come through…or (SIL Ana’s sister) Cathy and Edgar… 🙂

Are you a Royal Family fan? I adored Princess Diana and avidly followed her life; since her death, I have not really kept up with Britain’s favourite family. I do think the Royal Family will continue to see an upsurge in popularity with William and Kate now on the scene.

Just Don’t Tell Me Who Won!

Good Morning!

It was a short night: I worked at the store ’til closing. I always find I need a little down time before settling in for the night, so I got to bed later than usual. [Sidenote: as for not being a night person, yet working til after 9 p.m. – – > for some reason, I don’t get tired when I’m working the late shift…likely because I have tasks to complete, and I’m interacting with customers/clinic members which keeps me focussed. I’m glad – there’s nothing worse than feeling really tired and having to be “on!”].

So last evening was the Top Chef Canada finale on the Foodnetwork (I’m not linking because I’m scared the website will reveal the winner). Since I was at work, I didn’t watch (although, let’s be real: if I had been at home, I wouldn’t have watched, even though the show would have finished at 10 p.m. which is earlier than I got to bed, anyway…). I’m not sure when I’ll be able to catch the episode: I work again this eve, Wednesday I’ll be in Toronto for Aunti Day, then Thursday eve, I’m at the store, again. So it’s looking like the weekend may be my first opportunity. Ah well, something to look forward to!

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To start the day, I always take my recycling down to our garbage room. You’ll remember that our building’s informal Lending Library for books and magazines is located here (?!). One of my pet peeves is that some residents (I honestly don’t know who, exactly) use these book shelves as their personal Garage Sale space: they’ll anonymously drop off crap used items such as old wine goblets, worn ball caps, free notecards received in the mail from charities, etc. This drives me nuts! People: either take your stuff to a genuine drop off spot like a thrift store, or dump it! Lending library = books, not used oven mitts in the shape of fish!

I ate my words this morning, because look what was lying on the library shelves:

that would be a BRAND NEW yoga mat, in a carrying case

I checked it over because a used yoga mat would be like wearing someone else’s underwear, in my books. But, no funky smell emanated from the mat, and it unrolled as if it’s never been unfurled before (had that “sticky” sound to it), so I’m going to keep it!

looks clean to me (maybe a little dusty?)

I already have two other yoga mats, but you can never have too many, right? Esp since a hot yoga/bikram class is on my list of anticipated New Experiences for 2011. I’m not sure about black for a yoga mat – seems a little heavy, both in colour and in “yoga vibe.” If nothing else, I’ll have a sticky mat for around the home!

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On the agenda for today:

  • clean the Condo Casa (although it’s another gorgeous day here, and I dislike cleaning on a beautiful day; it’s a better rainy day chore. I have a feeling I could be pursuaded quite easily to relax on the rooftop, instead).
  • coffee with Sarah!
  • work at the store

What’s one item on your To Do list for today? I have a new pair of running shoes (!!) – and need to wear them around the home for a few hours to get an idea of how they feel. You’ll see ’em tomorrow…

Have a good one!

New Experience #21: Wear a Skirt to Work…

Since I backpedalled on the planned fireworks-watching event, I put my thinking cap on to come up with a replacement New Experience asap.

I fully acknowledge that this New Experience is fluffy. And that’s OK. It’s July and we’re takin’ ‘er ez this month.


I also concede that the title of today’s blog post is a little misleading – it should say “Wear a Skirt to Work at the Store.” That just seemed rather tedious in terms of title rhythm and musicality (yes, I consider these things). Because, bien sûr, I’ve worn skirts at my previous occupations!

If there’s any time of year to wear a skirt to the store, it’s summer. I would feel silly with bare legs and a mini in the dead of winter. Summer, though? Yea, it works. And yesterday was the perfect day to dress as cooly as possible: we enjoyed a gorgeous day of total sunshine and heat:

that sky may not be "aruba blue," but it sure was delightful!

I knew exactly which skirt I wanted to wear yesterday for my skirt experiment:

comfy, colourful, and cool - perfect!

I bought this one in Florida last year, at heaven on earth Target.

I adore that casual dress is the standard practice, every day, at the store. I wear running tights or jeans in the winter, and shorts or capris in summer. And we’re supplied with staff shirts for the upper story, so there’s my work wardrobe in a nutshell. Needless to say, I wear running shoes, too!

Yesterday’s shift was an aberration in that I worked 8:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. [Normally on Sundays, I am done at 2 p.m.]. I filled in the extra hours for a fellow associate who’s away for a couple of weeks. So the skirt got plenty of hours for its trial *run*!

shirt + skirt clash a little, but could be worse!


I loved how the skirt made me feel Betsey Johnson-ish (I admire her style big-time) – but I refrained from turning cartwheels down our centre aisle)!


Thanks to the flouncy feel of the skirt, I just felt happy all day in my new outfit!

chose my purple nike frees to be as stylish as possible!

A purple pair of Chucks would have been even more Betsey-worthy!

Anyway. Things were…a tad on the quiet side once again in Uptown Waterloo yesterday. We did have a nice sized turnout for our 8:30 a.m. Run Club, though. The most oft-heard compliment I received from the regulars was, “Don’t you look cute!” [I’ll take that, thank you!]. And the big pockets in the skirt drew positive comments.

Wearing a skirt was super-comfortable. Honestly, I very rarely wear skirts. This one is definitely the most comfortable one in my closet. This experiment was such a success, that 1) I will choose to wear a skirt out-and-about more often this summer 2) this won’t be the one and only time I wear a skirt to the store this summer! I even mopped the floor, successfully! My biggest worry all day was that I’d exit the washroom with the skirt caught up in the top of my undies. I obsessively quickly did a double-check in the mirror before re-entering the store area after each break!

I love when ideas turn out even better than anticipated. Bright sunshine + fun outfit + satisfying work day = a successful New Experience!

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(**WARNING! I’m going to talk about the final three candidates for the Top Chef Canada episode tonight! Do not read if you aren’t up-to-date!**)

The Top Chef Canada finale is tonight! Waaaayyyy back in WEEK #1 when SIXTEEN CONTESTANTS were introduced, I chose ROB and DALE as my two picks in our friendly family competition.

There are three challengers left.


…and ROB AND DALE!!!

I always say I have the skill of reading people, so I am huffing and puffing with pride that my guys are in the hunt for the top spot. My money’s on Rob to bring home the bacon.

Happy 4th today, American friends!

What’s your preferred, go-to clothing style? I am most comfortable in casual wear. To me, running/fitness clothing, Lululemon – > they’re “lifestyle wear,” not just workout wear!

Aruba Blue + Grocery Blues

I was paging through the newspaper on Canada Day at the store (seeing as how I had *a little* time on my hands) when this full page ad in the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer caught my eye:

notice the name of the nail polish colour??!

Hey hey! Only my favourite hot spot on earth:

file photo from my trip, march 2011

Some Essie-brand Nail Polish Colour-Namer must ♥ Aruba to pieces, too. Question: are they referring to the blue water or the blue sky? Both are fantabulous shades of gorgeousness.

As you see, the nail polish is available for $8.99…hmmm, remember the $10.11 I still have left on my Adidas Amex card? And after I tell you this next little story, I really think I’m meant to use it on “Aruba Blue“….

Inspired by “Aruba Blue,” (and the thought of writing this blog post), I decided to slap on some nail colour give myself a manicure last eve. Of course, my colour choice had to be blue.

I no sooner got out the little bottle of colour and look what happened:

i really am a full-fledged blogger now: for the first time ever, i thought to grab my camera before starting clean up

the crash 'n' smash happened so suddenly, i swear gremlins were at work...

Wah. (For the record, Wet ‘n’ Wild  – at about $3 a bottle – makes the best nail polish, in my books. I would choose it any day over OPI or another $$ brand. Doesn’t chip easily and dries super-quick).

Luckily, my pause to snap photos did not impinge on my ability to wipe up the (quickly drying) spilled nail colour. No harm done. I switched to my back up blue:

i have a whole series of metallics: this blue, a silver, a pink and a light purple

very summery. shall we call it "lake huron blue?!"

So, I’m feeling severely tempted to go pick up some “Aruba Blue” later today. I’m still chuckling because I’ve never dropped a bottle of nail polish in my life – it’s a sign!!!

Although, after you hear this next story, you’ll agree that I should be putting my $10.11 towards groceries…

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Following Holly‘s lead, back in May, I conducted my own May Grocery Challenge which basically consisted of me tracking grocery expenditures and also trying to use coupons. I loved doing it! For June, I kept up the practice of saving all my receipts (and searching out coupons). I didn’t tally my money spent until June 30th.

Ho-ly. S*#& !!!

There is no way in H – E – double hockey sticks that I am going to tell you the final result. I was floored, completely and utterly (yes, that is double adjective usage, but that just shows my shock level).

I’m singing crying the grocery blues.

Now, of course, I’m going to justify my expenditure. Here goes:

  • I lump food, vitamins, toilet paper/bathroom necessities etc all together as “groceries.” So what I spent is not for food, alone.
  • I did a lot of stockpiling this month (except for coffee! Still good from May’s stashing!) when I found oft-used items on sale – maybe I over-stashed, but I can’t contain myself when I know I need and will eventually use an item. This month, I loaded up on: ~toilet paper ~peanut butter ~almond milk ~Puffins ~vitamins ~contact solution ~eye drops ~stevia ~tinned tuna, salmon, and shrimp – – > I am set on these items until 2012 for a while, I sure hope.
  • I refuse to go without fresh produce. Apples, lettuce, avacados, zucchini, cucumbers…these items are on the “daily edibles” list, and I will pay whatever I need in order to have them on hand. Sadly, you can’t stockpile fresh veggies and fruit. Happily, the grocery gods are smiling on me this coming week: both lettuce and avacados are on sale at Valumart!

With any luck, all this bulk-buying in June will impact the July totals (I do like tracking my bills, so I’m going to keep doing this). We shall see at the end of the month!

Favourite nail polish brand and/or colour? I like black, but it’s too heavy for July, IMO. And, Wet ‘n’ Wild is the way to go, friends, trust me.

Did you do any stockpiling in June? I’m now very low on storage space. TP is piled in the guest bathroom shower!

Happy Sunday, all!

Oh – I’m patting myself on the back because here we are at July 3rd and I have not spent one red cent on groceries this month (although I will have to make a run to Valumart later this eve).

Not Exactly As Planned

It was an absolutely spectacular Canada Day!

love when the sky is that shade!

I worked from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m….and enjoyed a very…restful time of tranquility. There were not a lot of shoppers in Uptown Waterloo yesterday.

I can guess where most people were gathered…

The biggest Canada Day celebration in Waterloo takes place at Columbia Lake on the grounds of the University of Waterloo. From 2-11 p.m., there is music, activities, vendors, attractions, games – all organized by the university students. It’s a GREAT celebratory atmosphere, and it’s completely free! To end the day, there is a fireworks show at ~10 p.m. This year marked the 27th annual event.

[Sidenote: Canada Day, 1990. The Brother, The BF At The Time (Matthew), and I went to Columbia Lake to watch the fireworks. We had a beach blanket spread out on the ground, and the three of us were sprawled out, waiting for the fireworks to start. Quite suddenly, I remember being overcome with complete exhaustion. This was not just lazy fatigue – by the time the fireworks lit up the sky, I literally could not get my head off the ground, and just lay there listlessly during the show. To cut to the chase, within a few days, I was diagnosed with mono! I’ll never forget that Canada Day. And you know what? I’m pretty sure that was the last time – the one and only time – that I ever was at Columbia Lake itself to see the fireworks!].

Anyway, back to the present day…

Our condo building has a Canada Day tradition: at 8 p.m., our Condo Board of Directors hosts a Rooftop BBQ:

this year was the 4th annual affair!

Burgers and hot dogs are supplied, people contribute munchies or dessert (last year I brought Red Velvet Cocoa Cake Cupcakes as part of my “40 Recipes” Kiki Project – see Recipe #21 here), and it’s BYOB. Then at 10 p.m., everyone is invited to watch as the night sky comes alive with the fireworks. We have an unobstructed view towards Columbia Lake, which is just past Waterloo Park.

Every year, I go up to the BBQ, but conk out before the fireworks begin. This year, I was determined to stay up on top and catch the lightshow. I had it all planned out: this July 1st party would be a New Experience! I had the blog post title all ready to go: “New Experience #21: Ooh and Aah Over Fireworks.”

Guess what?

I conked out.

I started to have my doubts earlier in the day. I was anticipating the pre-fireworks portion of the eve with glee, but was kinda dreading how late the fireworks would go. At first, I told myself, “NO! You must stay up to watch the fireworks! You said on the blog that you were going to, so you have to!” Well, how silly is that way of thinking?! Especially since my July theme is


I went up to the roof about 8:15 p.m. Happily, this year I did not need my winter coat – such a beautiful evening! I did sport my Roots Canada sweatshirt, for patriotism’s sake, and my ball cap to block the setting sun:

that's the spirit!

The party was well underway!

it's tradition that jeff mans the grill! (lou ably assisting, here)

the help-yourself feast!

I’d say this year’s turnout was the largest yet!

not much different from a backyard patio...

so nice to have outdoor furniture, too

the planters provide additional seating

yea! more canada wear being proudly sported!

Our building invited the building next door to join us, too. So…

mom and dad were in attendance!

looking out to where the fireworks will appear, later on

I hadn’t seen Jillian and Duncan since their wedding. It was fun to catch up with the newlyweds!

six weeks married!

debated the pros and cons of physio with neighbour arin, recovering from an achilles injury

katie, (me), joanne and mom - we enjoyed discussing kate + william's visit to canada!

That was a really fun evening!

a proudly canadian condo community!

Guess what? As I was winding down for the night, look what I witnessed out the Condo Casa windows:

excuse the photo quality - i just wanted proof of seeing the fireworks!

I’m calling it a successful Canada Day!

Will you see any fireworks displays this weekend? Victoria Day and Canada Day are the main occasions for light shows in our area.

[spontaneous doesn’t always have to mean LATER – hitting “publish” at 6:45 a.m. today!] 🙂